Prof. Dr. Andreas Weller
Entwicklung der Theorie der Induzierten Polarisation mit Anwendungen zur Erkundung von strategischen Rohstoffen (DFG Projekt Nr. 425975038)
A. Zeitschriftenartikel
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.: Ambiguity in induced polarization time constants and the advantage of the Pelton model. Geophysics 87 (2022), No. 6, E393-E399.
- Peshtani, K.; Weller, A.; Saneiyan, S.; Slater, L.: The influence of magnetic minerals on induced polarization measurements in sedimentary rocks. Geophysical Research Letters 49 (2022), e2022GL100192.
- Weller, A.; Zhang, Z.: A comparative study of permeability prediction for Eocene sandstones - Part 2: Application and modification of the Schlumberger-Doll Research equation. Geophysics 87 (2022), No. 5, M179-M188.
- Kassab, M.; Weller, A.; Abuseda, H.: Integrated petrographical and petrophysical studies of sandstones from the Araba Formation for reservoir characterization. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2022), 15:944.
- Martin, T.; Weller, A.; Behling, L.: Desaturation effects of pyrite-sand mixtures on induced polarization signals. Geophysical Journal International 228 (2022), No.1, 275-290.
- Zhang, Z.; Weller, A.: A comparative study of permeability prediction for Eocene sandstones - Part 1: Application of modified Swanson models to mercury injection capillary pressure and nuclear magnetic resonance data. Geophysics 86 (2021), No. 6, M233-M243.
- Martin, T.; Günther, T.; Weller, A.; Kuhn, K.: Classification of slag material by spectral induced polaization laboratory and field measurements. Jornal of Applied Geophysics 194 (2021), No. 3, 1982-2000.
- Martin, T.; Titov, K.; Tarasov, A.; Weller, A.: Spectral induced polarization: frequency domain versus time domain laboratory data. Geophysical Journal International 225 (2021), No. 3, 1982-2000.
- Zhang, Z.; Weller, A.: Estimating the nuclear magnetic resonance surface relaxivity of Eocene sandstones: A comparison of different approaches. Geophysics 86 (2021), No. 2, JM11-JM22.
- Kim, B.; Cho, A.; Weller, A.; Nam, M. J.: Techniques to estimate permeability based on spectral induced polarization survey (in Koreanisch). Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment 25 (2020) 55-69.
- Zauner, M.; Weller, A.; Halisch, M.: Laboratory core investigations of sandstone-hosted uranium for in situ recovery. Applied Earth Science (2020).
- Lévy, L.; Weller, A.; Gibert, B.: Influence of smectite and salinity on the imaginary and surface conductivity of volcanic rocks. Near Surface Geophysics 17 (2019) 653-673.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.: Permeability estimation from induced polarization: an evaluation of geophysical length scales using an effective hydraulic radius concept. Near Surface Geophysics 17 (2019) 581-594.
- Kassab, M.A.; Weller, A.: Anisotropy of permeability, P-wave velocity and electrical resistivity of Upper Cretaceaous carbonate samples from Tushka Area, Western Desert, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 28 (2019), 189-196.
- Zhang, Z.; Weller, A.; Kruschwitz, S.; Nordsiek, S.: Effect of evaporative drying on complex conductivity spectra of sandstones. Geophysics 84 (2019), No. 1, MR61-MR72.
- Zhang, Z.; Kruschwitz, S.; Weller, A.; Halisch, H.: Enhanced pore space analysis by use of µ-CT, MIP, NMR, and SIP. Solid Earth 9 (2018), 1225-1238.
- Möller, M.; Buntebarth, G.; Weller, A.: Expansion and shrinkage of sandstones during spontaneous imbibition of fluids. Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:571.
10.1007/s12665-018-7753-3 - Robinson, J.; Slater, L.; Weller, A.; Keating, K.; Robinson, T.; Rose, C.; Parker, B.: On permeability prediction from complex conductivity measurements using polarization
magnitude and relaxation time. Water Resources Research, 54 (2018).
10.1002/2017WR022034 - Schmitt Rahner, M.; Halisch, M.; Fernandes, C.P.; Weller, A.; Sampaio Santiago dos Santos, V.: Fractal dimension of pore spaces in unconventional reservoir rocks using X-ray nano- and micro-computed tomography. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 55 (2018), 298-311.
- Sangin, S.; Buntebarth, G.; Weller, A.; Melikadze, G.: Temperature gradient measurements in hydrothermal areas of Georgia. International Journal of Terrestrial Heat Flow and Applied Geothermics 1 (2018), 14-17.
- Zhang, Z.; Weller, A.; Kruschwitz, S.: Pore radius distribution and fractal dimension derived from spectral induced polarization. Near Surface Geophysics 15 (2017), 625-632.
- Ding, Y.; Weller, A.; Zhang, Z.; Kassab, M.: Fractal dimension of pore space in carbonate samples from Tushka area (Egypt). Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2017), 10:388,
- Weller, A.; Zhang, Z.; Slater, L.; Kruschwitz, S.; Halisch, M.: Induced polarization and pore radius - A discussion. Geophysics 81 (2016), No. 3, D519-D526.
- Öner, Ü.; Weller, A.; Sattler, C.-D.; Kassab, M. A.:Petrographic and petrophysical investigation on carbonate samples (Upper Cretaceous) from Tushka Area (Egypt) with special focus on the effective pore radius. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2016), 9:229,
- Abuseda, H.; Weller, A.; Sattler, C.-D.; Debschütz, W.:Petrographical and petrophysical investigations of upper cretaceous sandstones of the South West Sennan field, Western Desert, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2016), 9:212,
- Hupfer, S.; Martin, T.; Weller, A.; Günther, T.; Kuhn, K.; Djotsa Nguimeya Ngninjio, V.; Noell, U: Polarization effects of unconsolidated sulphide-sand-mixtures. Journal of Applied Geophysics 135 (2016), 456-465,
- Weller, A.; Slater, L. D.: Induced polarization dependence on pore space geometry: Empirical observations and mechanistic predictions. Journal of Applied Geophysics 123 (2015) 310-315, - Martin, T.; Nordsiek, S.; Weller, A.: Low-frequency impedance spectroscopy of wood. Journal of Research in Spectroscopy (2015), DOI:10.5171/2015.910447
- Weller, A.; Zhang, Z.; Slater, L.: High-salinity polarization of sandstones. Geophysics 80 (2015), No. 3, D309-D318.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.; Huisman, J. A.; Esser, O.; Haegel, F.-H.: On the specific polarizability of sands and sand-clay mixtures. Geophysics 80 (2015), No. 3, A57-A61.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.; Binley, A.; Nordsiek, S.; Xu, S.: Permeability prediction based on induced polarization: Insights from measurements on sandstone and unconsolidated samples spanning a wide permeability range. Geophysics 80 (2015), No. 2, D161-D173.
- Zhang, Z.; Weller, A.: Fractal dimension of pore-space geometry of an Eocene sandstone formation. Geophysics 79 (2014), No. 6, D377-D387.
- Weller, A.; Lewis, R.; Canh, T.; Möller, M.; Scholz, B.: Geotechnical and geophysical long-term monitoring at a levee of Red River in Vietnam. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 19 (2014), 183-192. DOI: 10.2113/JEEG19.3.183.
- Weller, A.; Kassab, M.A.; Debschütz, W.; Sattler, C.-D.: Permeability prediction of four Egyptian sandstone formations. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7 (2014), 5171-5183. DOI 10.1007/s12517-013-1188-7.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.; Nordsiek, S.: Reply to the discussion by A. Revil, Comment on: "On the relationship between induced polarization and surface conductivity: Implications for petrophysical interpretation of electrical measurements" (A. Weller, L. Slater, and S. Nordsiek, Geophysics 78 (2013), No. 5, D315-D325): Geophysics 79 (2014), No. 2, X6-X10.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.; Nordsiek, S.: On the relationship between induced polarization and surface conductivity: Implications for petrophysical interpretation of electrical measurements. Geophysics 78 (2013), No. 5, D315-D325.
- Kassab, M.A.; Weller, A.: Porosity estimation from compressional wave velocity: A study based on Egyptian carbonate samples. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 5 (2013), 314-321.
- Weller, A.; Rosas, S.; Eidner, M.; Hartsch, K.: Geophysical, petrographic and geochemical survey on the Nazca lines. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 3 (2013), 159-167.
- Niederleithinger, E.; Weller, A.; Lewis, R.: Evaluation of geophysical techniques for dike inspection. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 17 (2012), 185-195.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.: Salinity dependence of complex conductivity of unconsolidated and consolidated materials: Comparisons with electrical double layer models. Geophysics 77 (2012), No. 5, D185-D198.
- Weller, A.; Breede, K.; Slater, L.; Nordsiek, S.: Effect of changing water salinity on complex conductivity spectra. Geophysics 76 (2011), No. 6, F315-F327.
- Kassab, M.A.; Weller, A.: Porosity estimation from compressional wave velocity: A study based on Egyptian sandstone formations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2011), 319-315, DOI 10.1016/j.petrol.2011.06.011.
- Zanetti, C.; Weller, A.; Vennetier, M.; Mériaux, P.: Detection of buried tree root samples by using geoelectrical measurements: a laboratory experiment. Plant and Soil (2011), 339, 273-283, DOI 10.1007/s11104-010-0574-0.
- Weller, A.; Nordsiek, S.; Debschütz, W.: Estimating permeability of sandstone samples by nuclear magnetic resonance and spectral-induced polarization. Geophysics 75 (2010), No. 6, E215-E226.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.; Nordsiek, S.; Ntarlagiannis, D.: On the estimation of specific surface per unit pore volume from induced polarization: A robust empirical relation fits multiple datasets. Geophysics 75 (2010), No. 4, WA105-WA112.
- Halisch, M.; Weller, A.; Sattler, C.-D.; Debschütz, W.; El-Sayed, A. M.: A complex core-log case study of an anisotropic sandstone, originating from Bahariya Formation, Abu Gharadig Basin, Egypt. Petrophysics 50 (2009), 478-497.
- Hartsch, K.; Weller, A.; Rosas, S.; Reppchen, G.: The Nasca and Palpa geoglyphs: geophysical and geochemical data. Naturwissenschaften 96 (2009), 1213-1220.
- Nguyen Trong Vu; Tang Dinh Nam; Weller, A.: Resistivity imaging measurements in Nam Dinh coastal area for delineation of aquifer. Journal of Geology, series B, 33 (2009), 29 - 35.
- Tran Canh; Weller, A.; Lewis, R.: Some initial results received from dike monitoring system at the Red river dike section in Thai Binh province. Journal of Geology, series B, 33 (2009), 84 - 92.
- Nordsiek, S.; Weller, A.: A new approach to fitting induced-polarization spectra. Geophysics 73 (2008), No. 6, F235 – F245.
- Hennig, T.; Weller, A.; Möller, M.: Object orientated focussing of geoelectrical multielectrode measurements. Journal of Applied Geophysics 65 (2008), 57- 64.
- Giao, P.H.; Weller, A.; Hien, D.H.; Adisornsupawat, K.: An approach to construct the weathering profile in a hilly granitic terrain based on electrical imaging. Journal of Applied Geophysics 65 (2008), 39 - 38.
- Nguyen Trong Vu; Tang Dinh Nam; Weller, A.: Delineating the boundary between fresh and brackish groundwater in Nam Dinh coastal areas by geophysical methods. Journal of Geology (Hanoi), series B, 29 (2007), 51-58.
- Weller, A.; Bauerochse, A.; Nordsiek, S.: Spectral induced polarisation – a geophysical method for archaeological prospection in peatlands. Journal of Wetland Archaeology 6 (2006), 105 – 125.
- Weller, A.; Tran Canh, Breede, K.; Nguyen Trong Vu: Multi-electrode measurements at Thai Binh dikes (Vietnam). Near Surface Geophysics 4 (2006), 135 – 143.
- Schünemann, J.; Weller, A.: Eignungsuntersuchung eines Netzwerkanalysators zur Widerstandsbestimmung von Gesteinen. – Technische Mitteilungen (Symposium Impedanzspektroskopie) 99 (2006), 258 – 261.
- Nordsiek, S.; Weller, A.: Spektrale induzierte Polarisation (SIP) an Hölzern. – Technische Mitteilungen (Symposium Impedanzspektroskopie) 99 (2006), 254 – 257.
- Halisch, M.; Weller, A.: Spektrale induzierte Polarisation (SIP) an Lockermaterial: Einfluss von Einbaumethodik, Feinkornanteil und Wassergehalt auf die Messergebnisse. – Technische Mitteilungen (Symposium Impedanzspektroskopie) 99 (2006), 250 – 253.
- Breede, K.; Weller, A.: SIP-Messungen mit unterschiedlichen Salzlösungen steigender Konzentration an Sandsteinen. – Technische Mitteilungen (Symposium Impedanzspektroskopie) 99 (2006), 239 – 243.
- Weller, A.: Spektrale induzierte Polarisation in den Geowissenschaften und der Archäometrie. – Technische Mitteilungen (Symposium Impedanzspektroskopie) 99 (2006), 121 – 125.
- Weller, A.; Bauerochse, A.; Nordsiek, S.: Einsatz der spektralen induzierten Polarisation bei der archäologischen Prospektion in Mooren. Berichte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen, Heft 1 (2005), 17-20.
- Hennig, T.; Weller, A.; Tran Canh: The effect of dike geometry on different resistivity configurations. Journal of Applied Geophysics 57 (2005), 278-292.
- Nguyen Trong Vu; Weller, A.; Tran Canh: Petrophysical investigation of material from Vietnamese river dikes. Journal of Geology (Hanoi), series B, 25 (2005), 123-126.
- Breede, K.; Weller, A.; Tran Canh: Optimization of datum density of multielectrode measurements. Journal of Geology (Hanoi), series B, 25 (2005), 114-119.
- Tran Canh; Trinh Viet Bac; Doan Van Tuyen; Weller, A.; Pham Quy Ngoc: The combination of geophysical technologies to study instability of left Day river dike section in Y Yen, Province Nam Dinh. Journal of Geology (Hanoi), series B, 25 (2005), 95-107.
- Weller, A.; Furche, M.; Schön, J.H.: Detection of layer boundaries in wells using multi-electrode resistivity data. Geophysical Journal International 153 (2003), 175-186.
- Weller, A.: Spektrale induzierte Polarisation in der Archäometrie. Freiberger Forsch.-Hefte C496 (2003), 14-29.
- Schleifer, N; Weller, A.; Schneider, S.; Junge, A.: Investigation of a Bronze Age plankway by spectral induced polarisation. Archaeological Prospection 9 (2002), 243-253.
- Furche, M.; Weller, A.: Sensitivity distributions of different borehole electrode configurations considering a model with a cylindrical coaxial boundary. Geophysical Journal International 149 (2002), 339-349.
- Doan Van Tuyen; Tran Canh; Weller, A.: Geophysical investigations of river dikes in Vietnam. European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 4 (2000), 195-206.
- Doan Van Tuyen; Tran Canh; Weller, A.: The application of electrical tomography for solving hydro-engineering geological problems in Vietnam. Advances in Natural Sciences (Hanoi) 1 (2000), 101-108.
- Weller, A.; Frangos, W.; Seichter, M.: Three-dimensional inversion of induced polarization data from simulated waste. Journal of Applied Geophysics 41 (1999), 31-47 and Journal of Applied Geophysics 44 (2000), 67-83.
- Weidelt, P.; Weller, A.: Computation of geoelectrical configuration factors for cylindrical core samples. Scientific Drilling 6 (1997), 27-34.
- Olayinka, A.I.; Weller, A.: The inversion of geoelectrical data for hydrogeological applications in crystalline basement areas of Nigeria. Journal of Applied Geophysics 37 (1997), 103-115.
- Weller, A.; Tran Canh; Dinh Van Toan; Doan Van Tuyen; Trinh Viet Bac; Phan Kim Ngan; Ngo Quoc Dung: The effect of combination of geophysical methods to find out defects in the dike body in Hanoi. Journal of Sciences of the Earth (Hanoi) 18 (1996) 339-348.
- Weller, A.; Gruhne, M.; Seichter, M.; Börner, F.D.: Monitoring hydraulic experiments by complex conductivity tomography. European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 1 (1996) 209-228.
- Weller, A.; Seichter, M.; Kampke, A.: Induced-Polarization modelling using complex electrical conductivities. Geophysical Journal International 127 (1996), 387-398.
- Börner, F.; Schopper, J.R.; Weller, A.: Evaluation of transport and storage properties in the soil and groundwater zone from induced polarization measurements. Geophysical Prospecting 44 (1996), 583-601.
- Weller, A.; Börner, F.: Measurements of spectral induced polarization for environmental purposes. Environmental Geology 27 (1996), 329-334.
- Behrens, W.; Weller, A.: Anwendung der Geophysik zur Bewertung der geologischen Barriere am Beispiel eines Deponiestandortes. Müll und Abfall 28 (1996), 82-89.
- Pusch, C.; Schön, J.; Weller, A.: Eine Multipotentialsonde - Prinzip und Perspektiven in der Bohrlochmessung. Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie 34 (1988), 169-172.
- Weller, A.: VLF-Modellierung mit dem Differenzenverfahren. Freiberger Forsch.-Hefte C414 (1987), 33-42.
- Weller, A.: Berechnung geoelektrischer Potentialfelder mit dem Differenzenverfahren. Freiberger Forsch.-Hefte C405 (1986), 68-122.
- Hartsch, J.; Weller, A.: Modellberechnungen mit der Methode der finiten Differenzen und Schlußfolgerungen zum Einsatz von VLF-Verfahren. Neue Bergbautechnik 16 (1986), 271-274.
- Weller, A.; Schön, J.; Rösler, R.: Die Berechnung synthetischer Widerstands-Bohrlochmeßkurven nach der Methode der finiten Differenzen. Neue Bergbautechnik 14 (1984), 87-90.
- Rösler, R.; Weller, A.: Fortschritte bei der automatischen Auswertung geoelektrischer Widerstandstiefensondierungen. Freiberger Forsch.-Hefte C387 (1983), 61-70.
- Rösler, R.; Weller, A.: Erfahrungen mit der automatischen Auswertung geoelektrischer Tiefensondierungen. Freiberger Forsch.-Hefte C378 (1983), 75-84.
- Lindner, H.; Adlung, A.; Weller, A.: Ergebnisse gravimetrischer Messungen an der Burgruine Tharandt. Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie 28 (1982), 142-146.
B. Vorträge
- Zauner, M.; Weller, A.; Halisch, M.; Fischer, C.; Kulenkampff, J.: Laboratory core analysis of potentially in-situ recovery amenable sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the Morrison Formation, New Mexico/USA. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Pau 2019, paper SCA2019-084.
- Halisch, M.; Hupfer, S.; Weller, A.; Dlugosch, R.; Plumhoff, H.-P.: An experimental setup for the assessment of effects of carbonate rock dissolution on complex electrical conductivity spectra. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Trondheim 2018, paper SCA2018-040.
- Halisch, M.; Kruschwitz, S.; Weller, A.; Mensching, B.; Gürlich, L.: Maximizing the core value - joint investigations with special emphasis on complex electrical conductivity give new insights into Fontainebleau Sandstone. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna 2017, paper SCA2017-035.
- Hupfer, S.; Halisch, M.; Weller, A.: Using low frequency electrical impedance spectroscopy for an enhanced pore space characterization and assessment of carbonates. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna 2017, paper SCA2017-074.
- Kruschwitz, S.; Halisch, M.; Prinz, C.; Weller, A.; Müller-Petke, M.; Dlugosch, R.: Towards a better understanding of electrical relaxation. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna 2017, paper SCA2017-080.
- Zhang, Z.; Kruschwitz, S.; Weller, A.; Halisch, M.; Prinz, C.: Enhanced pore space snalysis by use of µ-CT, MIP, NMR, and SIP. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Vienna 2017, paper SCA2017-086.
- Schmitt, M.; Halisch, M.; Fernandes, C. P.; dos Santos, V. S. S.; Weller, A.: Fractal dimension: an indicator to characterize the microstructure of shale and tight gas sands considering distinct techniques and phenomena. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Snowmass 2016, paper SCA2016-069.
- Weller, A.; Ding, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Kassab, M. A.; Halisch, M.:Fractal dimension of pore space in carbonate samples from Tushka Area (Egypt). International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Snowmass 2016, paper SCA2016-079.
- Halisch, M.; Weller, A.; Kassab, M. A.: Impedance spectroscopy on carbonates. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Avignon 2014, paper SCA2014-039.
- Lewis, R.; Weller, A.; Tran Canh; Möller, M.; Scholz, B.: Langzeitmonitoring und Durchströmungsmodellierung an einem Hochwasserschutzdeich in Vietnam. - Schriftenreihe Geotechnik (HTW Dresden), Heft 04, 34-48; 4. Fachtagung Geotechnik, Dresden 2013.
- Weller, A.; Slater, L.; Nordsiek, S.; Flath, D.: Reducing ambiguity in resistivity interpretation by quantifying the relationship between surface conductivity and induced polarization parameters. - SAGEEP - Denver, Colorado 2013.
- Weller, A.; Rosas, S.; Eidner, M.; Hartsch, K.: Geophysical and geochemical survey on the Nazca lines. - SAGEEP - Denver, Colorado 2013.
- Niederleithinger, E.; Weller, A.; Lewis, R.: Evaluation of geophysical techniques for dike inspection. - SAGEEP - Denver, Colorado 2013.
- Weller, A.; Lewis, R.; Tran Canh; Möller, M.; Scholz, B.: Geotechnical and geophysical long-term monitoring at a levee of Red river in Vietnam. - SAGEEP - Denver, Colorado 2013.
- Weller, A.; Eidner, M.; Rosas, S.; Hartsch, K.: Resistivity and georadar survey on the Nazca lines. - Near Surface Geoscience 2012 - Paris 2012, A04.
- Rosas, S.; Hartsch, K.; Weller, A.; Eidner, M.: Petrographical and geochemical features coupled with geophysical observations on the Nazca lines. - Near Surface Geoscience 2012 - Paris 2012, P46.
- Weller, A.; Debschütz, W.; Kapanadze, N.: Petrophysical investigations on lower Eocene sandstones of Tbilisi region. - Proceedings of Workshop on Exploration and Exploitation of Groundwater and Thermal Water Systems in Georgia - Tbilisi 2010.
- Weller, A.; Möller, M.; Lewis, R.; Tran, C.: Dike monitoring at Red River by geophysical and geotechnical tools. - 16th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Zurich 2010.
- Weller, A.; Fettig, A.; Bauerochse, A.; Eidner, M.: Using ground penetrating radar and induced polarisation to detect a wooden track way. - 16th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Zurich 2010.
- Nguyen, T. V.; Weller, A.; Tang, D. N.: Geophysical measurements in coastal area of Nam Dinh province (Vietnam) for delineation of aquifers. - 16th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Zurich 2010.
- Zanetti, C.; Weller, A.; Vennetier, M.; Meriaux, P.; Royet, P.; Provansal, M.; Dufour, S.: Detection of buried tree root samples by electrical measurements. - 7th ISRR Symposium Root Research and Applications, Vienna 2009.
- Niederleithinger, E.; Weller, A.; Lewis, R.; Stötzner, U.: Evaluation of geophysical techniques to investigate river embankments. - 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence - Toronto (Canada) 2008.
- Ullrich, B.; Weller, A.; Günther, T.; Rücker, C.: Geophysical prospecting of ancient slag deposits in Munigua (Spain) and Ain-al Hajer (Morocco) using complex resistivity tomography. - 2nd International conference Archaeometallurgy in Europe - Aquileia (Italy) 2007.
- El-Bassiony, A.; Weller, A.: Focused inversion of gradient magnetic data from Saqqara north cemetery, Egypt. - 12th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Helsinki 2006.
- Weller, A.; El-Bassiony, A.: Properties of archaeological building materials from Egypt. - 12th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Helsinki 2006.
- Weller, A.; Breede, K.: Multi-salinity measurements of spectral induced polarisation of sandstones. - 12th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Helsinki 2006.
- Weller, A.; Hartsch, K.; Rosas, S.; Reppchen, G.: Geophysical investigation of the Nasca lines. - 12th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Helsinki 2006.
- Weller, A.; Hartsch, K.; Matschullat, J.; Hartzendorf, D.; Rosas, S.; Reppchen, G.: New geophysical, geochemical, and mineralogical investigations of the Nasca lines, Peru. - XIII. Congreso Peruano de Geología - Lima 2006, Extended abstracts p. 63-66 .
- Hennig, T.; Weller, A.: Two dimensional object orientated focussing of geoelectrical multielectrode measurements. - 11th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Palermo 2005.
- El-Bassiony, A.; Weller, A.: Regularized focused inversion of magnetic gradient measurements in archaeology. - 11th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Palermo 2005.
- Schleifer, N., Weller, A., Nordsiek, S. and Fritz, I.: Spectral Induced Polarisation (SIP) applied on volcanic rocks of the Styrian basin (Austria). - EGU - Wien 2005.
- Weller, A.; Scott, J.; Schleifer, N.; Barker, R.: The effect of changing the salinity of the groundwater on SIP of sandstones. - 18th SAGEEP meeting - Atlanta, Georgia 2005.
- Breede, K.; Weller, A.; Tran Canh: Comparison of inversion results for dike investigation. - 10th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Utrecht 2004, P041.
- Möller, M.; Weller, A.: Cross-hole tomography on a dam. - 10th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Utrecht 2004, P023.
- El-Bassiony, A.; Weller, A.: Modelling the magnetic field gradient for archaeological structures in Saqqara (Egypt). - 10th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Utrecht 2004, B011.
- Scott, J.; Weller, A.; Schleifer, N.;Barker, R.: The effect of changing the salinity of the groundwater on SIP of sandstones. - 10th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Utrecht 2004, B003.
- Schleifer, N.; Weller, A.: Using induced polarization (IP) for the mapping of wooden plankways. - 5rd Conference on Archaeological Prospection - Crakow 2003, in: Archaeologica Polona 41 (2003), 262-265.
- Scott, J.; Schleifer, N.; Weller, A.; Barker, R.: The spectral induced polarisation of groundwater saturated sandstones. - 9th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Prag 2003, O-060.
- Hennig, T.; Weller, A.; Tran Canh: Topographic correction for dike geometry using averaged Half-Wenner configuration. - 9th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Prag 2003, P-053.
- Tran Canh; Nguyen Trong Vu; Weller, A.: Multi-electrode measurements at Thai Binh dikes (Vietnam). - 9th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics - Prag 2003, O-016.
- Weller, A.; Hennig, T.; Tran Canh: Topographic correction for dike geometry using averaged three-electrode configuration. - Vietnamese German Workshop on Dike Monitoring - Hanoi 2003, S. 31-36.
- Preusse,S.; Weller, A.: Sensitivity as a tool to analyse and improve the resolution of electrode configurations for dike investigations. - Vietnamese German Workshop on Dike Monitoring - Hanoi 2003, S. 37-41.
- Schleifer, N.; Weller, A.; Thierry, B.; Schneider, S.; Junge, A.: Applying the spectral induced polarization (SIP) – method for the detection of a Bronze-aged plankway (1500-1400 BC). 3rd Balkan Geophysical Congress and Exhibition - Sofia 2002.
- Thierry, B.; Weller, A.; Schleifer, N.; Westphal, T.: Polarisation effects of wood. - 7th Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Birmingham 2001.
- Schünemann, J.; Brune, S.; Weller, A.: Geoelectrical measurements on the Palatin in Rome. - 6th Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Bochum 2000.
- Weller, A.; Brune, S.; Hennig, T.; Kansy, A.: Spectral induced polarisation at a medieval smelting site. - 6th Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Bochum 2000.
- Tuyen, D.C.; Canh, T.; Weller, A.: Geophysical investigations on river dikes in Vietnam. 5nd Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Budapest 1999.
- Urban, C.; Weller, A.: Dielectric properties of sand-clay mixtures. - 5nd Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Budapest 1999.
- Frangos, W.; Weller, A.; Seichter, M.: Three-dimensional Inversion of IP data from INEL Cold Test Pit. - 12th SAGEEP meeting - Oakland, California 1999.
- Weller, A.; Urban, C.; Schonart, J.: Saturation and contamination dependence of electrical properties in the MHz range. - 12th SAGEEP meeting - Oakland, California 1999.
- Kampke, A.; Weller, A.; Peschel, G.: Focussing effect of an averaged three-electrode configuration. - 4rd Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Barcelona 1998.
- Weller, A.; Gruhne, M.; Börner, F.D.; Seichter, M.: Monitoring hydraulic experiments by complex conductivity tomography. - 10th SAGEEP meeting - Reno, Nevada 1997.
- Gruhne, M.; Börner, F.; Seichter, M.; Weller, A.: Estimation of fluid phase content in the subsurface using complex resistivity tomography. - 2nd Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Nantes 1996.
- Börner, F.D.; Weller, A.: Estimation of aquifer heterogeneity for flow modelling. - 58th Conference EAGE - Amsterdam 1996, P023.
- Börner, F.; Gruhne, M.; Kampke, A.; Weller, A.; Kulenkampff, J.; Richter, T.: Broad band complex conductivity tomography for environmental applications. - 1st Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (European Section) - Turin 1995.
- Weller, A.: Determination of hydraulic permeability by complex conductivity measurements. – John S. Sumner Memorial International Workshop on Induced Polarization - Tucson 1994.
- Weller, A.: Determination of hydraulic permeability by complex conductivity measurements. – 12th Workshop on electromagnetic Induction in the Earth - Brest 1994.
- Weller, A.: Bestimmung von Speicher- und Transporteigenschaften von Sedimenten aus Messungen der induzierten Polarisation. - 2. DGG-Seminar Umweltgeophysik - Neustadt/W., 1993. - In: Sonderband der DGG-Mitteilungen II/1994, S. 133 - 144.
- Weller, A.; Börner, F.: Determination of permeability at shallow depth. - 54th EAEG Meeting – Paris, 1992, P148.
- Weller, A.; Lohse, F.: Joint inversion of geoelectric sounding results. - 34th Intern. Geophys. Symposium - Budapest 1989, vol. II, S. 743 -747.
- Pusch, C.; Rösler, R.; Schön, J.; Weller, A.: Some new aspects in electrical resistivity logging. - 32nd Intern. Geophys. Symposium - Dresden 1987, vol. II, S. 78-88.
- Schön, J.; Weller, A.: Calculation of synthetic resistivity curves by the finite-difference-method. - 9th International Formation Evaluation Symposium - Paris 1984, Nr. 23
C. Mitarbeit an Büchern
- Weller, A.; Bauerochse, A.: Detecting organic materials in waterlogged sediments. – in : Menotti, F.; O'Sullivan, A. (Herausgeber): The Oxford Handbook of Wetland Archaeology, Oxford University Press 2013, S. 421-432.
- Wagner, B.; Weller, A.: Geoelektrische Profile entlang der Leineaue im nördlichen Göttingen. – in : Leiss, B.; Tanner, D.; Vollbrecht, A.; Arp, G. (Herausgeber): Neue Untersuchungen zur Geologie der Leinetalgrabenstruktur, Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2011, S. 145-148.
- Ullrich, B.; Meyer, C.; Weller, A.: Geoelektrik und Georadar in der Archäologischen Forschung: geophysikalische 3D-Untersuchungen in Munigua (Spanien). – in : Wagner, G.A. (Herausgeber): Einführung in die Archäometrie, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007, S. 76-93.
- Debschütz, W; Weller, A.: Permeability estimation based on petrophysical models. – in : Buntebarth, G. & Chelidze, T. (Herausgeber): Time-dependent microtemperature and hydraulic signals associated with tectonic/seismic activity, Institute of Geophysics of Georgian Academy of Science and European Centre "Geodynamical hazards of high dams" of Open Partial Agreement on Disasters, Council of Europe, Tbilisi 2005, S. 200-223.
- Teilkapitel 5.4 in: Knödel, K.; Krummel, H.; Lange, G. (Herausgeber): Handbuch zur Erkundung des Untergrundes von Deponien und Altlasten, Band 3 . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1997.
- Teilkapitel in: Militzer, H.; Weber, F. (Herausgeber): Angewandte Geophysik, Band 2 Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1985.
D. Forschungsberichte
- Weller, A.; Lewis, R.; Niederleithinger, E.: Geophysikalische Verfahren zur Strukturerkundung und Schwachstellenanalyse von Flussdeichen – ein Handbuch. Forschungsbericht 281, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Berlin 2008
- Kampke, A.; Weller, A.: Theoretisch-methodische Weiterentwicklung des VPR-Systems – Abschlußbericht. - Clausthal-Zellerfeld: TU Clausthal, 1998.
- Canh, T.; Weller, A.: Anwendung geophysikalischer Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Deichen in Vietnam - Ergebnisbericht. - Leipzig: Geophysik GGD, 1995.
- Weller, A.; Börner, F.; Woitke, L.: Bestimmung der Gesteinsdurchlässigkeit und anderer Gesteinsparameter des oberflächennahen Untergrundes aus geophysikalischen Messungen in Rammsonden-Löchern - Abschlußbericht zum Forschungsverbundvorhaben 1460605A. - Leipzig: Geophysik GGD, 1994.
- Lohse, F.; Weller, A. u.a.: Abschlußbericht F/E-Thema: Mehrfrequenz-Geoelektrik im Lockergesteinsbereich. - Leipzig: VEB K Geophysik, 1989.
- Wruck, K.; Weller, A. u.a.: Abschlußbericht zum F/E-Thema: Geophysikalische Verfahren zur Lösung komplizierter Aufgaben in der Erdöl-Erdgas-Erkundung. - Leipzig: VEB K Geophysik, 1988.
- Weller, A.: Modellberechnungen für die Anwendung der geoelektrischen Zwischenfelderkundung bei der Erkundung und Zustandsermittlung von Gründungen – Ergebnisbericht. Leipzig: Bauakademie der DDR, 1985.
- Weller, A.: Anwendung des Differenzenverfahrens auf Probleme der Widerstands-Bohrlochmeßverfahren - Forschungsbericht. - Freiberg: Bergakademie, 1984.
E. Qualifizierungsarbeiten
- Weller, A.: Geoelektrische Sondierungen - direkte und inverse Aufgabe - Dissertation B. – Freiberg: Bergakademie, 1989 - 139 S.
- Weller, A.: Berechnung geoelektrischer Potentialfelder mit dem Differenzenverfahren Dissertation A. - Freiberg: Bergakademie, 1984 - 69 S.
- Weller, A.: Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung der automatischen Auswertung von Widerstands- Tiefensondierungen - Diplomarbeit. - Freiberg: Bergakademie, 1982 - 67 S.
P. Patent
- Smiegiel, G.; Siegel, V.; Stiller, G.; Schön, J.; Weller, A.: Verfahren zur Bestimmung des spezifischen elektrischen Gesteinswiderstandes. Patent-Nr. 230 650, 1985.

Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie
Arbeitsgruppe Angewandte Geophysik und Petrophysik
Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. 1
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld